Respiratory Therapists are an essential component to the healthcare community. Not only are RTs involved in
10. You’ve given up your life to learn how to save ours.
9. You’ve taught us to never take a breath for granted.
8. You eat, sleep, and BREATHE respiratory therapy!
7. You do everything you can to help us breathe easier so that we can live life a little better.
6. You’re ad-VENT-urous.
5. You’re a breath of fresh air, keeping calm during stressful situations.
4. You’re there for our first breath and continue to help us along the way until we take our last.
3. You’re great at taking care of your patients even if it’s SNOT easy.
2. We can all breathe a sigh of relief since you don’t discriminate by age.
1. You breathe life into your patients.
Thank you, Respiratory Therapists, for working together saving lives. Please share with us what you love about being an RT!
Katie Lutmer is a Recruiter for the Aureus Medical Social Media Recruitment Team.