Bring laughter to your nursing career

Although they can include much excitement, nursing jobs aren't always filled with humor. However that doesn't mean that you can't bring some enjoyment into your workplace. Even on the most serious of days, healthcare facilities can be a great place for fun.

Here are a few tips to make your workspace more enjoyable and lighthearted.

Bring in things that make you laugh
No matter how hectic your shift gets, there are always opportunities to take a breather and share a laugh with a co-worker. You can make the most of these chances by bringing in items or activities that you find particularly fun and stress-reducing.

Sharing funny pictures, videos on your phone and magazine articles are all good methods for spreading a little humor around the healthcare facility and brightening your and your co-workers' day.

Make light
There is no denying that people with nursing jobs can encounter some fairly serious situations. However, this doesn't mean you need to approach your work with a grim attitude. Sometimes, finding the humor in even the most serious circumstances can be a great way to turn an otherwise trying day into a delightful one.

Take the lead from your patients
No matter how tough your shift gets, it is important to remember that your patients are often in much more dire positions. When they laugh or engage in a fun activity, that should serve as a perfect reminder that it is ok to step back and see things in a different light every once in awhile.

This can be especially powerful with children. When your younger patients demonstrate their bravery and good spirits by playing a game or watching a funny TV show, it is more than acceptable to join in the fun. In fact, it will likely help put your patients further at ease.

A fun job
Despite its difficulty and hard moments, nursing is often an incredibly fun job. In fact, on Yahoo!'s list of careers that let you have fun on the job, nursing came in at number four. The ability to work directly with patients, get creative and crack jokes helps make being a nurse one of the most lighthearted professions today.