Aureus Medical Group’s healthcare blog provides articles and information regarding careers in travel nursing, travel therapy, allied health and more.

Travel Healthcare Employees of the Quarter

employees of the quarter

Aureus Medical is happy to announce its travel healthcare Employees of the Quarter. Employees are nominated by their Account Managers each quarter. The winners will then be included in the Employee of the Year nominations. Congratulations to all!

Barry Hale, Respiratory Therapist

Barry has been awarded the honor of Employee of the Quarter for the Cardiopulmonary and Allied Health Division of Aureus Medical Group. He has worked eight assignments with us since 2011 in various locations, such as North Dakota, Illinois, Montana, Wyoming, Texas, and Virginia. Barry’s last appraisal was a 5. He is always willing to help us out with our jobs and happy to accept an assignment anywhere. He loves Aureus and we love him. Barry has been an outstanding employee!

Jean Tompkins, Sonographer

Jean has been awarded the honor of Employee of the Quarter for the Imaging Division of Aureus Medical Group. She has completed 20 assignments for us and has been asked to extend on all of them. Jean has done a wonderful job working for us in both small and large hospital settings. In addition to being technically skilled, her personality is second to none. She always goes above and beyond and is always telling directors and employees how great Aureus is to work for. While on a mission trip to Africa, she even told the villagers she was treating about how she was able to see the country, because the company she works for has her travel all over the U.S. to help sick people. Jean is extremely proud of not only what she does, but also the company she does it for. No person is a better recipient of this award than Jean.

Deborah Layton, Medical Technologist

Deborah has been awarded the honor of Employee of the Quarter for the Medical Laboratory Division of Aureus Medical Group. She has completed several assignments with Aureus and represents us with her high level of professionalism. Deborah accepted the challenge of taking her first position as a Lab Manager in Louisiana. Since she has taken over the lab, she has been able to prepare the hospital for a CLEA inspection and hired a full-time Lab Tech, as well as two more travelers. Deborah constantly updates us on how everything is going, and the hospital is very excited to have her on board! She is a true asset to our team.  

Gina Karpac, Occupational Therapist

Gina has been awarded the honor of Employee of the Quarter for the Rehabilitation Therapy Division of Aureus Medical Group. Gina has been consistently traveling with Aureus for the last five years and completed 16 assignments. She has been asked to extend or go perm on almost every assignment. One assignment liked her so much that she was on contract with them for over two years! Gina has an incredible work ethic and cares deeply about her patients. She is extremely laid back and adapts well to all facilities and teams. We are lucky to have such a talented and dedicated therapist working for Aureus!

Catherine Gibson – RN (ER)

Catherine has been awarded the honor of being one of the Employees of the Quarter for the Nursing Division of Aureus Medical Group. Catherine is on her 20th contract with Aureus. She has been on the front lines in New Jersey since before the pandemic began. She brings with her on each assignment a cool, calm, and collected approach to each hospital as they deal with the public health crisis. Her last two assignments gave her outstanding evaluations for her ability to help during this abnormal time. She has helped the facilities adapt to an unfamiliar time as well as her peers and patients with her experience in the field. Catherine always brings a flexible and can-do attitude to every assignment and shift. In addition to her most recent awesome work, she has been an Aureus traveler for almost 10 years and also received the Employee of the Quarter award in 2017. Catherine is an Aureus advocate and a great representation of her position.

Natalie Brown-Francis – Manager of Sterile Processing

Natalie has been awarded the honor of being one of the Employees of the Quarter for the Nursing Division of Aureus Medical Group. Natalie is on her fifth assignment for Aureus since 2016 and her third in a management role. We are sure there would be numerous more, but all our clients want to keep her for as long as possible.

On her appraisals, you’ll notice nothing but positive feedback as well. She works hard and she stays until the job is done. The number of hours she puts in is astounding. She is oftentimes thrown into very difficult settings and has come out on top every time. When there are issues, she is solution-minded and does not cave to negativity.

She is an Aureus advocate. As soon as she stepped into her first role as a supervisor a few years back, she has taken it upon herself to promote Aureus, the recruiters, and our mission. She has referred at least four employees who have gone on to do much more work for us. 

She always has our employees’ interest at heart when it comes to helping our clients. Since March, she has personally hired two managers, one supervisor, and 10 Aureus SPTs on her current assignment in Boston, and another 15-20 for us last year on assignment for us in New York. With so many cancellations due to COVID-19, Natalie has been key to getting our people back to work and has never once complained about the workload.

Natalie has been nothing short of a phenomenal employee and asset for Aureus as a whole.