Aureus Medical Group’s healthcare blog provides articles and information regarding careers in travel nursing, travel therapy, allied health and more.

FAQ Friday: Verbal Acceptance

Q:  When is a contract considered binding?  Is it okay to back out after giving your verbal acceptance?

A:  When a traveler verbally accepts a position, they are agreeing to the terms of the contract.   Once that happens, the travel company will inform their client of the decision.  That facility will close the position and anticipate the traveler’s arrival.  They may even start to schedule patients for them.

Staffing Coordinators with the travel company will begin the process of getting the traveler credentialed at the facility.  Background checks are ordered, drug tests are scheduled, and a packet of information is mailed out.

From the time a contract is verbally accepted, the facility, in addition to the travel company, are spending time and money to get things in order. If a traveler backs out of a contract at that point, everything is all for not.  It is a loss.

This does two things– it makes the travel company look bad and ultimately will reflect badly on the traveler as well.  There is a chance the facility and travel company will choose to no longer work with the traveler.

To avoid any confusion, it’s best to be upfront and honest about how you feel regarding the assignment.  Most recruiters will understand if you want to turn down a job.  Great ones will never force you to take a job you do not want.

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