Aureus Medical Group’s healthcare blog provides articles and information regarding careers in travel nursing, travel therapy, allied health and more.

Healthy Eating (and Budget Friendly) Tips

Like many of you, I try to eat healthy and work out, but sometimes hurdles appear from nowhere.  With our fast-paced lives, it is difficult to design and stick to a workout and healthy eating regimen.  For travelers, this is even harder since your work and living locations change every few months, making it hard to maintain a routine and identify restaurants or grocery stores that offer healthy economical choices.

From both experience and research, I have learned there are a lot of ways to make sticking to your health goals easier. Here are my top favorite (and often budget-friendly!) tips:

Here are a few websites that offer free tools to help keep you on track:

Calorie burning chart 

Calorie calculators that can tabulate the calories in your meal or how many burned working out:  

Airport food review lists the health ranking of our airports

What tips for healthy eating have you used? Comment below – we’d love to hear from our travelers!

Debbie Grollmes is an Account Manager for Aureus Nursing.