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HHS announces $1 billion for innovative healthcare jobs

Healthcare job prospects got a boost this week when the Health and Human Services Department availed $1 billion for projects that are innovative, according to The Hill.

Announced on Monday, the Health Care Innovation Challenge draws its funding from the federal healthcare reform law and is geared toward providing high-quality methods of delivering healthcare services and lower costs to recipients in government programs, a department fact sheet states.

"We've taken incredible steps to reduce healthcare costs and improve care, but we can't wait to do more," said Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the department. "Both public and private community organizations around the country are finding innovative solutions to improve our health care system and the Health Care Innovation Challenge will help jump start these efforts."

The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation states the initiative will disburse awards ranging from $1 million to $30 million over a three-year period.

The challenge encourages applicants to cite efficient workforce models as part of the proposals for grant money. The drive of the initiative is cost-effective operations.