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How a break can benefit a travel nurse

As a travel nurse, how many hours do you spend on your feet each day? During a shift, you could easily find yourself spending four or five hours without a single break.

Here are four things to do while you are on your break:

1. Drink a bottle or glass of water. Remaining hydrated keeps you energized and gives your body the fluids it needs to run smoothly. Drinking water becomes even more important for your health if you drink soda or coffee during the day. These liquids dehydrate your body, and caffeine can leave you feeling ill at the end of the day if you haven't had enough water. As a medical professional, you probably recommend that your patients drink eight glasses of water every day. Make sure you follow your own advice.

2. Eat a snack. Your body requires the right fuel to help you remain on your game. Snack on nutritious treats throughout the day so that you can avoid sudden pangs of hunger and the draw of vending machines. Granola, fruit, nuts and vegetables are all great snacks – these tiny meals are high in fiber and protein and low in fat and sugars.

3. Get a massage. After spending hours on your feet, you could be feeling a bit of soreness. Consider going to the break room and taking your shoes off to give yourself a bit of a foot massage. By working out the kinks and getting the blood flowing, you might feel better and be able to tackle a few more hours on the job.

4. Read a book. Sometimes taking a mental escape to a different world is the right thing to do. If you are stressed, consider reading your favorite book. A 15-minute break spent in a different world will allow you to escape the responsibilities and stress of work. Whether you enjoy the latest crime drama or prefer historical pieces, a book can provide you with the break you need.