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How a travel nurse can get fit for fall: Simple exercise plans that don’t require a gym membership

Summer may almost be over, but that doesn't mean a travel nurse has to forgo spending time on keeping herself in shape. During the holiday season, it is especially important to concentrate on maintaining an exercise regime. The candy from Halloween, desserts, stuffing and sides from Thanksgiving and Christmas cookies and banquet meals can all combine to decrease the room left in the waistband of your scrubs.

For a travel nurse, it can sometimes be difficult to find time to go to the gym in between shifts. In addition, even on an extended travel assignment, you could find a gym's membership policies are not conducive to your stay in the area, which can result in you paying fees for a service you're unable to participate in. Instead of paying for a gym membership, use a variety of exercise routines that can be done right at home to remain fit.

Here are 3 exercises to consider implementing in your workout regime:

1. Superman. This beginner exercise is intended to work your back, butt, hips and shoulders and requires no equipment. Start by lying on your stomach with your legs stretched out behind you in a straight line and your head facing down. Reach your arms out above your head with the palms of your hands facing each other and relax your entire body. Slowly begin to stretch out your spine and lift your arms and legs a few inches off the ground and hold them there. Make sure not to arch your back, lift your head up or let it fall to the floor.

2. Steps. Running up and down the stairs in your hotel or apartment building will allow you to tone your legs and work your glutes! The repetition is good for your muscles, and this routine will give you a chance to get in a bit of cardiovascular work as well.

3. Contralateral limb raise. Don't let the name fool you – this routine is meant for beginners. The exercise works the back, butt, hips and shoulders and is meant to give you a nice toned appearance while building strength. Lie on your stomach with your head facing down. Keep your legs stretched out behind you and your arms reaching over your head. Keeping your arms straight, slowly raise one up without rotating the arm or shoulder and hold it for a few moments before switching off with the other arm. Do not arch your back or lift your head up. For variation and further strengthening, lift your opposite leg at the same time.