According to Wikipedia, communication is the process of transferring information from one entity to another. So what does this mean to a traveler? With much of our communication taking place through email or voicemails nowadays it’s very important to make sure your message is clear. Whether you’re communicating with your recruiter or the daytime manager in the ER, it’s very easy for communication to suffer. Here are a couple of tips that may help improve your communication:
Focus on the situation – not the person
If you focus on the person, they may see it as a personal attack. When it gets personal, there is less willingness to change.
Focus on the positive
People may tune out when all they are hearing is negative. By focusing on something positive about the situation, the other party may be more receptive.
Look for “win-win” opportunities
Look for opportunities where both you and the other person can benefit.
Strive for open communication
Speaking in a direct and clear manner shows respect for the other person. Clear expectations provide direction.
Share information
Understand that you are all on the same team. Being better informed can provide better customer service and happiness on the job.
Among the five tips noted above, “Strive for Open Communication” really jumps out as a necessity when it comes to communication. Whether you’re struggling to tell your recruiter that you’ve accepted a job with another company or telling the hospital manager that another employee is not following protocol, open communication is always the best method. It’s better to be up front and honest rather than procrastinating and having the situation blow up in your face at a later time.
Hopefully these tips will help make your current assignment and job search even better.
About Tyler Bliemeister
Tyler Bliemeister has been with Aureus Medical Group for just over five years and is currently a Senior Account Manager in the Cardiopulmonary division. About his job, he says he likes that every day is never quite the same and through working with candidates and hospitals he gets to talk and know all types of people. Tyler and his wife, Amy, have a 6-week old daughter, Rylee. In his free time, he enjoys anything sports related (especially golf).
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