Aureus Medical Group’s healthcare blog provides articles and information regarding careers in travel nursing, travel therapy, allied health and more.

Qualities of a Good Traveler


As a traveler, you are searching for a company that best fits your needs. But on the same hand, travel companies and recruiters are searching for the highest caliber of candidates. So how do you as a traveler set yourself apart?  Every interaction you have with a company is serving as an interview; you want to display yourself in the best possible light so that recruiters are confident in how you will interact with their clients. After all, relationships are a two way street, right?  Below are a couple of tips and tricks to keep in mind to ensure you are presenting yourself as the best traveler you can be.


Recruiters will be calling you constantly to discuss job opportunities. Constant communication is vital throughout this process. If a recruiter feels that you are not communicating with them, they will be hesitant whether or not you will communicate effectively with the facility. Even if you are no longer interested in working with a company, communicate it with them. No one likes being ghosted.

Be organized

Just because you accept the assignment does not mean that the hard part is over. Next will come compliance. It is helpful to have all your important documents organized (whether electronic or in a designated folder) so that you are ready to rock and roll when compliance comes knocking.

Be adaptable

As a traveler, you are expected to come into a facility/unit and help fill the need. Things may not run the way that you are used to them running. It is your job to be adaptable to those changes.

Be friendly

Treat all those that you interact with, with respect. You are an extension of the company you are traveling for, so it is important to be friendly and respectful. This will speak to your character, and make recruiters feel confident in putting you in front of their clients.

Be eager to learn new things

You are at a unique advantage when you are a traveler. You get to work on new units or in new specialties, so why not use this opportunity as a chance to build your resume? Never say no to an opportunity, just because it is a little bit out of your comfort zone.

Be patient

Travel companies are working with a lot of candidates and a lot of clients. Some interviews and offers may take longer than others. This does not mean that any candidate is less important than another. Be patient with your recruiter, and trust that they are doing their job.

These are just a few things to keep in mind while working as a traveler. At the end of the day, it is important that you are working to be the best traveler that you can be. What is some advice that you would give an individual who is considering the travel healthcare industry?

Jordan Bartek is a Social Media Content Strategist for Aureus Medical Group.