Nationwide, medical centers are running into shortages of people in suitable medical careers to help the aging population of Baby Boomers, according to a published report.
In anticipation of a growing shortfall continuing to mushroom, one of the most advantageous positions to hold is a nursing job, USA Today reports. The career represents one of the most rapidly growing jobs and medical centers are increasingly hiring for it. As retirees transition to the next phase of their lives, they are, on average, staying for longer periods of time where they live, human resources director Holly Kolozsvary with Central Florida Health Alliance told the news source.
"They move here, they’re well, they get sick, they're left here through their cancer or heart disease, and we have to take care of them," the human resources director told the news source.
Millions of Baby Boomers are projected to waltz into retirement in the coming years, which will open career opportunities in the industry.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, career opportunities within the healthcare sector that are on the rise include medical assistants, laboratory technologists and nurses.