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Should a travel nurse go back to school for a specialty?

If you're a travel nurse looking for greater professional opportunities, you may want to consider going back to school for a nursing specialty. Attaining certification in a specialty can benefit patients, employers and you. Not only does the process validate your skills, knowledge and professional abilities, but it also allows you to learn new lessons and apply them to the developing industry.

According to the American Board of Nursing Specialties (ABNS), the formal recognition of a specialized set of skills and experience demonstrated by professionals who have achieved certification will lead to the promotion of optimal health developments in the field. As a travel nurse, your healthcare staffing agency will most likely be able to find you better jobs due to your professional certifications. While you may choose to select a more generic position that is not in keeping with your specialty, you can also apply for more selective programs that other nurses may not be able to attain.

"As nurses plan their careers they ought to consider becoming certified because it lends credibility to their professionalism," Victoria Kark, RN, MSN, CCRN, CCNS, CSC, told Nurse Zone. "One of the reasons I believe in certification is that as a supervisor it sets an example – certification shows that you are taking an active interest in your career and that you are trying to improve both yourself and your work environment. It is a way to give back to the profession."

According to the source, research has proven that certification can add to your income and hiring potential. One survey recently showed that nurses who have their certifications earn approximately $7,300 more a year than those who do not. A poll of nurse managers reported that 86 percent would be more likely to hire a certified nurse if deciding between two candidates who were otherwise equal – but only one of whom was certified.

Continuing your education can provide you with the professional confidence you need and allow you to differentiate yourself from competitors. In addition, certification can offer patients and their families with the comfort of knowing you have excelled and demonstrated your experience. For a patient suffering from a critical condition, the knowledge that he or she has a highly trained specialty team can provide comfort.

As a travel nurse, you may find that going back to school to gain your certification in a chosen specialty is the right decision for you.