Aureus Medical Group’s healthcare blog provides articles and information regarding careers in travel nursing, travel therapy, allied health and more.

Speed to Market: Create Your Own Advantage

speed to market

The term “speed to market” refers to the amount of time it takes to present you (the candidate) to the market (the facility).  Often location tops the list of priorities, and having an open job order close by may not be a reality. This is where speed to market becomes a major player.

When the time is right, locking down that next contract should be goal number one for your team. Your team being, you and your recruiter. Because you are a team, knowing your role is important to building an advantage that can help you land in your dream destination. Your recruiter will be focused on finding a contract that aligns with what you’ve told them is important. However, here are a few things you should be doing to pull your weight.

Know your Timeline

If you’re a first time traveler, it’s important to know how much notice you need to give your current facility. You also need to have a good idea what your financial situation looks like, so you know how long you can hold off for that perfect contract, before you need to get that first pay check.

Stay Connected

Communication is imperative in this process. With any candidates I’m helping, I utilize a same-day call-back policy. If either side reaches out during business hours, they need to hear back from each other that same day. This will help your team run at full strength, ensuring nothing is overlooked.

Get “Full Packet” ASAP

Regardless of the agency with which you are working, there will be “homework” or tasks you need to complete. Typically this includes: an application, skills sheet or checklist, consent forms, a copy of your licenses/certifications and a few references. Once all of these things are complete/turned in and your references are contacted, this will make up your “full packet”.

A good portion of getting you to your dream destination relies on timing. Having your side of things done, being “full packet”, gives your team the advantage of being one of the very first to submit when that perfect fit opens up. This is important because unit managers and directors (the decision makers) are busy! When they get an inbox full of candidates, they’re not going through all of them. They’re going to start at the top and call (and typically offer) the first qualified candidate they find.

The late great Dale Earnhardt once said “Second place is just the first place loser”.

Don’t let yourself be a second place candidate. Give your team and yourself the advantage of having everything done early, so your “Speed to Market” puts you in 1st.

BJ Layher is a Social Media Recruiter for the Cardiopulmonary division at Aureus Medical Group.