Aureus Medical Group’s healthcare blog provides articles and information regarding careers in travel nursing, travel therapy, allied health and more.

Spring Fever

Being that our home office is located in Omaha, it is easy for me to empathize with those of you who are starting to feel a bit restless as spring is finally upon us. The days have gotten longer and the weather warmer. With an extra hour or so of daylight, sometimes it feels like you may look for any excuse to spend time outside.

As many of you are heading towards your graduation and preparation for national board exams, you are more than likely experiencing what I refer to as “senioritis”. You want nothing more than to be done with clinical hours, final exams, and projects, and nothing makes the end of this long journey seem to last even longer than the arrival of spring. Here are a few tips to keep you on track and help get you through these final days of school:

Make a game plan
Write out everything you need to accomplish from now until the end of your program. For each task, create a realistic game plan. Once you break everything down you will be able to create a timeframe that makes getting to graduation seem a little less daunting. Plus, what feels better than crossing off an item from your to-do list?!

Study in intervals
Give yourself ample time to study but don’t forget to give your brain a break. Studies have shown that studying for shorter periods of time and taking frequent short breaks is far more effective than long study sessions or cramming information all at once.

Enjoy the weather
If it is nice outside, find ways to accomplish tasks while enjoying the weather. Extra sunlight will give you a nice boost of vitamin D and will make you feel more energized.

Ban distractions
Don’t give your mind an opportunity to wander away from the task at hand. Silence your cell phone, close your email, and find yourself a spot where people are unlikely to disrupt your productivity.

Finally, remember that all the work you have put in over the past few years is FINALLY going to pay off! You’ve come this far and soon you’ll be breathing a sigh of relief as you throw on your cap and gown and prepare for your career as a newly graduated therapist. I wish you all the best of luck!

Madelyn Saylor, Student Outreach Recruiter

Madelyn Saylor joined Aureus Medical Group in early 2012. She works as a Student Recruiter in the Rehab Therapy Student Outreach Program. Previously, she worked as an Admissions Advisor at Kaplan University, after graduating from Longwood University. In her spare time, Madelyn enjoys teaching group fitness classes, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.