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Travel PT professionals: Raise heart disease awareness in women

Tell your patients to practice heart-healthy habits.

Working in travel therapy, you are a go-to source of knowledge for your patients. One of the hot-button issues is heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the U.S., according the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While your body can be likened to a machine that functions best when all its parts are healthy, the heart is its core engine.

With that being said, heart disease is a poorly understood killer. The condition is often considered a problem for men, yet more females than males die of heart disease each year. In fact, it claims the lives of 500,000 women – that's 1000 percent more deaths than breast cancer. It's important to get your patients up to speed on the risks of heart disease.

A big roadblock to information is that some heart disease symptoms in women may be different than those experienced by men. Fortunately, as a travel PT, you can educate your patients so they'll understand the unique signs.

The most common heart attack symptom in women is pain, pressure or discomfort in the chest. The tricky part: It's not always severe or even present. Females are more likely than males to have heart attack symptoms unrelated the chest pains. Tell your patients to keep an eye out for:

Prevention is the best cure
Symptom watching is helpful, but a better plan  is prevention. The step after learning information is informed action. Heart disease can be avoided with a number of life-saving changes. Pass along the following ways to steer clear of heart disease: