Travel assignments: they can be a very exciting adventure, full of possibilities. You meet new people, see parts of the U.S. that you’ve never seen before, and find new ways to grow as a person. But, although there is excitement with travel healthcare, you may find yourself in a rut. You can start feeling lonely, exhausted, empty, and may even struggle sleeping. These are common symptoms felt by many travel nurses I have talked with; all of which can lead to depression.
While not a cure for depression all together, here are some simple ways to help get you through some difficult times.
1. Talk to someone
2. Exercise
3. Get out and explore
This is a common theme in a lot of my blogs.. Not only is it a great reason to start travel healthcare, but you can learn so much about your assignment location. You’ll also walk away with fun memories, and great stories to tell everyone.
“”When we challenge ourselves to do something different, there are chemical changes in the brain,” Cook says.”Trying something new alters the levels of [the brain chemical] dopamine, which is associated with pleasure, enjoyment, and learning.” -Ian Cook, MD. He’s a psychiatrist and director of the Depression Research and Clinic Program at UCLA.
4. Fight back negative thoughts and write it out
There can be times we doubt our skills, our own thoughts, and we could have a fear of missing out. So we start to attack ourselves over something that could really be trivial. To help fight these internal thoughts, it is essential to identify them as an alien point of view.
Another great way to help the negative thoughts is to journal. Take a couple of minutes each day before you go to bed to just write out how the day made you feel. Be honest with yourself about why this was the case. Releasing stress through pen and paper can really help out.
Depression is a serious condition. You should never feel ashamed if you’re feeling depressed; it truly can happen to anyone at any time. I hope these tools will help you out if you ever need the support. When in doubt, simply talk it out!
If you would like to learn more, or would like to talk with someone The Kim Foundation is a non-profit organization with our parent company C&A industries.