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What medical supplies should a travel nurse keep on hand?

As a travel nurse, you never know what situations will crop up unexpectedly. You're on the move and meeting new people, and you or anyone you meet could accidentally require medical attention. Keeping an emergency supply kit on hand could save lives and, less dramatically, could reduce someone's pain.

Here are a few medical supplies a travel nurse should keep on hand:

1. Bandages. Cuts, scrapes and gashes can happen to anyone, which is why you will want to make sure to keep a number of sterile bandages of various shapes and sizes in a medical supply kit to ensure you have the proper gear to deal with any situation. For example, a gauze bandage is ideal to support an injury like a sprained wrist or ankle, yet isn't particularly useful for a cut.

2. Small medical equipment. How often have you been in a situation where you required scissors but none could be found? In an emergency, you may need to cut a bandage or someone's clothes off. Consequently, items such as scissors, tweezers, thermometers, safety pins and butterfly bandages should all be included in an emergency medical kit. As a medical professional, consider throwing an extra stethoscope and pen light in the ensemble as well.

3. Disinfectants. Cleanliness is an important concern in most medical situations. Have anti-bacterial wipes, soap, hydrogen peroxide and spare, clean cloths in an emergency kit so that you can remove debris from an injury and clean the open wound. Those cleaning supplies can also be used to disinfect any implements like tweezers before they come in contact with a cut or scrape.

4. Medications. There are many common ailments, both mild and severe, that can cause a person pain. A stocked medical kit will include over-the-counter medications that can treat an illness in the short term until the individual is better or can meet with a physician. Make sure to include aspirin, ibuprofen, a decongestant and an antihistamine to cover just the very basics. If you or someone you know has a severe allergy or medical condition, try to keep the appropriate medication in the kit as well. Being prepared with these medications can decrease the chance a mild ailment becomes something more serious.