Summertime is a great time to enjoy a barbecue with friends, work towards your weight loss goal, or just relax and enjoy the summer breeze. It’s also the perfect time to get out and explore the city where you’re working your contract. Butwith summer come the rising temps! If you are doing strenuous work outside, whether it be running or mowing the lawn, we want you to be safe. Remember, even less strenuous activities can cause you to overheat in high temperatures.
- Drink plenty of water on hot summer days.
- If possible, avoid outdoor activities during the hottest part of the day (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.).
- If you feel light headed, take a break and find a cool shady place to rest.
- If you exercise in the heat, slow your pace and take more time to complete a similar distance completed in cooler weather.
- Rehydrate after your activity by drinking a sports drink. Also include a banana, apple, or other healthy snack to replenish the lost nutrients your body needs to recover.
- If exercising alone bring your cell phone in case you get into trouble. Let a friend or family member know where you are going and when they should expect you to return home.
Be safe and enjoy your fun summer activities!