- Nursing 800.856.5457
- Allied Health 800.456.5857
Connect those you know with healthcare careers and earn a referral bonus.
Do you know healthcare professionals who are seeking new travel or full-time career opportunities? Refer a friend, family member, or colleague to Aureus Medical Group® and you’ll open the door for them and be rewarded at the same time.
For each referral you send us, who is a new candidate to Aureus Medical and accepts a Nursing or Allied Health assignment, you get a $1,000 cash referral bonus!
There is no limit to the number of people you can refer or the number of referral bonuses you can receive. So, the more people you refer, the more money you earn!
Complete the form below or contact your recruiter and you'll be well on your way to bonus cash!
How to Claim your Bonus
Refer a Candidate - The Process Is Simple!
- Fill out the form below. Be sure to include your name and contact information as well.
- Once your referral has been interviewed and placed by Aureus, you qualify for the referral bonus.
- When they’ve completed their first 30 days, you will receive your referral bonus.
- Enjoy your extra cash!
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