Video game system proves to be helpful to physical therapists


A Cleveland physical therapy company is seeing its patients benefit from playing video games, according to a published report.

A computer generated virtual reality therapy system is helping Linda Kohn, who recently underwent knee replacement surgery, WKYC reports. She toiled at her recovery with people who hold physical therapy jobs at the Parker Hannifin Therapy and Wellness Center at the Village at Marymount.

She uses her body to play a video game as part of the GestureTek Health's Interactive Virtual Reality Exercise System, which is also known as IREX. The therapeutic method guides patients through interactive rehabilitation exercises, games and activities that specify particular parts of the body for betterment.

Costing $20,000, the system measures and gauges performances so that it may help show improvements that the patients achieve. Patients find themselves in the middle of a green screen room that puts the patient in the center of a scene. IREX has shown success at improving balance, strength and endurance.

Physical therapists must be licensed in all U.S. states, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.