Three energy-rich breakfast ideas for travel nurses

As a travel nurse, you are no doubt aware of the difficulty of maintaining consistent energy throughout a long shift. Rest assured, you are not alone. Most nurses – indeed most workers in all fields – have the same problem, although it is particularly important for people with healthcare careers, as breaks in this profession are usually few and far between.

One of the best weapons in the fight against low energy is a solid, healthy breakfast. Of course, this isn't breaking news for most people – the benefits of a good morning meal have been touted for decades – but it is still crucial. Many nurses believe they don't have the time or skills to prepare energy-rich, healthy, tasty breakfasts each morning, but with these three simple ideas, you may find that solving the riddle posed by the first meal of the day is not nearly as tough as you thought.

Breakfast smoothie
Smoothies solve many of the problems associated with preparing a good breakfast – they are fast, portable and almost impossible to mess up. The key is to use fresh, healthy ingredients that pack an energy punch. Berries and bananas are great, as they are easy to find and are bursting with essential vitamins and minerals. To give your smoothie its characteristic texture, try using low-fat greek yogurt – not only will it add a creaminess and tang to your drink, it will also give you some protein – crucial for those long shifts.

Many people associate muffins with carb-laden breakfasts that leave you hungry an hour later. While this may be true of supermarket muffins or the ones you pick up with your morning coffee, it couldn't be further from the truth for the homemade variety. Using whole grains, bran, nuts and fruits in your recipe can keep you full well past lunch and give you the energy you need for your hectic workday. Best of all, it's easy to make a whole batch at once and rely on them all week.

This suggestion dates back hundreds of years, when people relied on hot, filling oatmeal to get them through long days of manual labor. Avoid the stuff in packets and stick to natural, steel-cut oatmeal for the best results. Combine it with milk, cranberries and walnuts to give yourself a great and easy way to stave off fatigue and hunger pangs.