How to improve communication among your team members

Few professions are as heavily dependent on communication as travel nursing. In that light, it is important for all members of this field to have a firm grasp of some of the best and easiest ways to improve communication among team members. As it is in any field, optimal discourse is hard to achieve in a healthcare career, but with a few simple tips and some attention to detail, it is far from impossible.

Here are a few great ways to improve your ability to communicate with other members of your healthcare team.

A positive attitude
Unsurprisingly, one of the most important aspects of improving communication as a travel nurse is true of almost any interaction – maintain a positive attitude. Not only will this approach inspire confidence and trust in others, it will also make them more likely to come to you in the future. Furthermore, an upbeat disposition is more likely to foster a feeling of community among your coworkers, which will improve your ability to function smoothly as a group.

Written communication
Although verbal communication is a great way to build relationships and promote camaraderie, written messages can sometimes be more effective at imparting vital information. If the hospital in which you're working doesn't currently have a shift log or report, you may want to suggest adopting one. This tactic can provide an easy way for all team members to communicate even when they have different schedules or are stationed in different parts of the facility.

It is impossible to create a culture of open and informative communication if your teammates don't trust you. Make sure to let them know that you are hoping to create an environment where everyone is comfortable and all members know where they stand. Without a backbone of honesty and forthrightness, you will not be able to build a team that truly works together and communicates freely.

Have backup
In the healthcare field it is crucial that you have documents and figures to support your claims. This holds true to intra-team communication as well. If you are asking for clarification or an explanation about a patient, it will help if you have something to which to refer to make your point more easily understood. In a hospital setting, supporting information can make communication much simpler.