Many Americans take the beginning of a new year as an opportunity for self-improvement, but this may be especially true for travel nurses. The very nature of their profession means that each year is likely to be considerably different than the last and, therefore, offers many opportunities for growth. Furthermore, with the travel nursing field growing so quickly, now may be the perfect time to set new goals and aim for professional advancement.
Of course, picking the right goals is the most important part of the resolution process, and also the hardest. Luckily, there is no shortage of great recommendations for setting realizable yet aspirational objectives for 2013, and here are a few to get you on the right path.
Be more patient
There is perhaps no skill more integral to the travel nursing profession than patience. Sure, a calm and good-natured disposition is important in most careers, but it is truly essential in a healthcare facility.
Travel nurses are required to interact with dozens of patients, fellow nurses and superiors on a daily basis. Add in the fact that they must regularly start work at a new facility with an entirely different cast of people, and it is clear that a knack for patience is instrumental.
Of course, achieving this can be difficult. Taking a deep breath and a moment of reflection when frustration rears its head can help you prevent any outbursts before it’s too late. Furthermore, incorporating a chance for meditation – about how lucky you are to be healthy and employed – can keep you in the right frame of mind to handle your patients and your work with aplomb.
Improve as a nurse
The new year is also a perfect opportunity to buckle down and renew your commitment to your career. The demand for travel nurses continues to rise, and nurses who demonstrate leadership skills and determination have a great chance to climb the ladder in 2013. Work toward this goal by showing commitment to your career and a desire to improve your day-to-day skills.
There are many routes toward this goal, but receiving further education is among the best. The beginning of the year is the perfect time to start exploring programs and getting your application in order. Use this resolution as a chance to set your sights on an advanced degree.