5 magic words every travel nurse should know [VIDEO]


There’s one magic phrase that comes in handy in a variety of travel nurse conversations: “I hear what you’re saying.” No matter if you’re working with a patient, employee, colleague or spouse, these words help the person relax enough to actually listen to and accept your reply.

For example, a parent may come in saying he needs antibiotics for their child’s cold. However, the CDC has declared misuse of antibiotics as a serious threat to public health. Instead of trying to talk over the patient, utter the magic words, “I hear what you’re saying…” followed by, “and that is a miserable cold. We should talk about your options.”

Studies have shown that simply establishing a level of trust not only enhances the patient-employee relationship, it may actually placebo the patient into believing their treatment is working better than it is.

So, be sure to keep these words in mind to help improve patient communication.

Until next time, this is travel nursing video news. Thanks for watching.