Healthcare industry spurs Pittsburgh’s development

Metropolitan Pittsburgh's effort to recover from the Great Recession is going well thanks to job creation and industry contributions developed by the healthcare industry, according to a published report.

The Bellingham Herald reports medical careers are very rapidly growing. In fact, the city renowned for being a steel capital sees one in five sector employees working in a hospital, a doctor's office or another facility related to healthcare.

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center has helped boost the sector's growth and development so that it now is larger than manufacturing. The city's unemployment rate is 7.1 percent while the national rate is 8.2 percent.

"We're reaching this odd era where the growth rate of resources (is) rapidly declining at the same time the needs for health care are going up," economist Charles Roehrig with healthcare policy group Altarum Institute told the news source.

Medical care spending is swiftly approaching 20 percent of the U.S. economy, the globe's largest.

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is the largest employer in Western Pennsylvania, the second largest in the state and employs 55,000 people.