A Connecticut woman who holds a nursing job was all set to pound the pavement for more than 26 miles this past Sunday as part of her effort to raise awareness for an incurable cancer of the blood, according to The Norwalk Daily Voice.
Though the New York City Marathon was cancelled late last week by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg because of lingering damages wrought by Hurricane Sandy, Norwalk Hospital nurse Kathleen Roberts' devotion to confronting multiple myeloma is likely to continue.
"As a nurse I see it a lot, and when I talk to people there are so many people that have been affected by it," she told the news source prior to Bloomberg cancelling the road race. "It's a worthy cause. It's nice to combine what I see at work with running."
The marathoning prowess of the mother of four children includes completion of two triathlons thus far this year as well as a half-marathon.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nurses help patients and their families, friends and additional loved ones with understanding of the public health issues.