Doors open to nurses who seek education


People who hold nursing jobs can walk through open doors that lead to increased opportunity via educational advancement, according to a published report.

Many state laws mandate continued education for nurses but pay raises, better benefits and career opportunity also improve with education, The Clay Times-Journal reports.

"Additional certifications and specializations only help advance nursing careers," coordinator Pam Gabris with Beyond the Cure of The National Children's Cancer Society told the news source. "But more to the point, continuing education is essential to patient care. RNs must know of all medical advances and updated nursing standards, which is why continuing education units tend to be a state or employer requirement."

The field is the fastest growing occupation in the U.S., according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Within the next six years, more than 581,500 nurses will emerge, and nurses who continue earning nursing education credits will be able to advance over other practitioners of the care-giving trade.

Conferences, seminars and courses represent some of the ways that nurses may advance and renew their license, the publication reports.