Q: Is it possible to travel with your family?
A: Yes, traveling with a family is certainly possible. That said, there are a few things to consider before making the decision to hit the road with your kiddos.
As a traveler, you will be paid a housing stipend. That amount is based on the cost of a one-bedroom apartment in the area in which you will be traveling. For small families, it may be doable. But, it may be very tight quarters for a family of more than 3 members.
It may be possible to find larger accommodations for your family, but evaluate if apartment living will work.
You can also consider renting or buying a RV. This option will allow you to be able to drive the country without worrying where you will find housing. Obviously, it will be downsizing. So, consider if minimizing is your ideal lifestyle!
As you go to work, you want to make sure your child is in good hands. If you are traveling with a spouse, usually they are the best option for childcare. You can head to work while they care for your kiddo(s).
If you are a single parent, this may present a challenge for you. If you have a pre-school aged child, be sure to check on daycare options in that community prior to accepting a position. Read reviews on them.
At the end of the day, don’t force the issue of traveling if you cannot figure out your childcare situation.
It is so important to set your children up for success by granting them a great education.
Homeschooling is probably the easiest and most feasible way to educate your children on the road. Obviously, you will need someone to stay home (likely your spouse) while you work in order to homeschool. You will want to check into the cost of purchasing curriculum and evaluate if that is something you are willing to do.
Public school, in most cases, is not an option. Many school districts require that you be domiciled to the area, a permanent resident in other words, to attend their schools. Some states may have different rules, so be sure to research the rules of that district.
Have you traveled with your family before? What tips do you have?