Here we are again, approaching the end of another year. It’s the 4th quarter, the last 90 days, the start of the holiday season. Whatever you may refer to it as, I think it’s safe to say that for most of us it is a time to look ahead to what’s next. It won’t be long and we’ll all be hearing about goals, resolutions, and dreams for the coming year. Setting them is great, but how can we achieve them? I think we all too often forget that it takes work to achieve success and get what we want. Here are six under-rated (in my opinion) considerations to stay focused on KEEPING and ACHIEVING your goals.
Write it Down.
I’m a list person, so crossing things off of a list once they’re completed is seriously one of my favorite things! While you may not share in my satisfaction of crossing things off of a list, it’s more than that. By writing down your aspirations you’re making them more concrete. No more excuses that you don’t remember because you now have a constant reminder every time you revisit that list of what you have and haven’t accomplished.
Take Action!
This might be my favorite one. As a young woman trying to master this art of ‘adulting’, I’ve realized how powerful this simple tip really is. Not satisfied in your job? Say something. Want to get away on vacation? Book the plane ticket. Aspire to run a half-marathon? Get registered! More often than not, we’re really great talkers and struggle with the follow through. Be decisive and make a move – you’ll achieve and experience more than you ever thought possible.
Be Accountable.
Accountability isn’t about holding yourself accountable to another person. It’s about YOU and your ability to take ownership of your thoughts and actions. Make a mistake? Own up to it and move forward. There isn’t room for excuses or the blame game if you want to find success.
Discipline Yourself.
This is about self-control. We live in an influential world. Don’t let it take advantage of you. It’s important to make choices not based on impulse, feeling, or because that’s what your mom said you should do. Instead, by being self-disciplined you’ll find that your decisions are informed, rational, and consistent with what (and where) you want to be in this world.
Practice Persistence.
It’s no secret that by doing all of these things, we still may fall short at times of what we’re trying to achieve. That’s okay. Get up and keep going. By doing so you will practice patience, become resilient, and build character.
Start Now!
Sure, the New Year seems like a clean slate – a fresh start. But why can’t we make each day or each moment a fresh start? You don’t have to be the same person you were yesterday, or even five minutes ago. The sooner you get after what you want, the sooner you’ll get it. So what are you waiting for?
Joleen Rupe-Hueftle joined Aureus Medical Group in May 2015 as a Recruiter in the Nursing division. She is now a Student Outreach Coordinator for the Rehab Therapy division. In her free time, Joleen enjoys spending time with family, running, cooking, and baking.