Happy Physical Therapy month to the hardworking Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants out there! Thank you for all that you do on a daily basis and it does not go unrecognized! Now it’s time to celebrate all that physical therapy can bring to people’s lives and give kudos to those who provide superb patient care.
As a therapist, you should take the time to celebrate and tell a friend about what you do on a daily basis. A lot of people are often surprised that a huge portion of the population is clueless on what physical therapy is. Educating individuals on the benefits of therapy treatments has always been a huge part of what PT month is all about!
Read this article that provides some great ideas on what you can do during this awesome month of October. Whether it’s celebrating in the clinic or volunteering your time, it’s all time well spent during PT month! Again, thank you for everything that you do and everything that you will do in the future!