The next several months will see strong growth of healthcare careers as the world's largest economy continues spearheading the globe's recovery from the Great Recession, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports.
The healthcare industry augmented payrolls last month by roughly 44,500 jobs, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Physicians' offices created 6,800 jobs, outpatient care centers made 2,900 jobs and home health services strengthened the sector with 5,400 jobs.
The next several months will see five sectors rapidly develop, according to chief operating officer Jim Johns with a career network service in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Those sectors are "health care, health care, health care, health care and information technology," he told the news source.
He noted the growth is directly linked to the aging population, citing nursing and occupational and physical therapy as the industries that will see sharp demand. He also noted other jobs like home health aides.
Additional jobs within the healthcare industry include dietitians, nutritionists and laboratory and technicians, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.