If you’re on the fence about becoming a travel nurse or travel therapist, you may want to consider the variety of personal and professional growth options these careers can provide. The opportunities are endless for those that are flexible enough or have the right temperament.
Here are a few tips and suggestions a potential travel RN or travel therapist may wish to contemplate:
1. Communicate with friends, family and peers. Traveling medical careers can have you far away from those that you love for extended periods of time. Therefore, it is important to communicate with your friends and family about the opportunity you're considering before committing to an agency or contract. Their advice may be able to give you new perspective about your choice, according to Nurse Together.
2. Discuss the option with a professional mentor. Before signing up for a travel assignment, consider how it could impact your career. Healthcare careers offer lucrative benefits whether you are a traveler or not. The average salary for a travel nurse or travel therapist can vary depending on the contract lengths, location and experience of the RN or therapist. However, traveling will not only impact your annual earnings, but also the direction of your career. A travel nurse or travel therapist who develops personal yet professional relationships through networking can later call on those connections for references and other potential career benefits.Traveling can also expose you to new settings or equipment as well as teach different ways of approaching your daily tasks.
3. Set aside time for personal reflection. Only you can determine whether a traveling healthcare career is best for you. As a travel nurse or travel therapist, you will be required to quickly acclimate to new medical facilities’ procedures. If you’re not flexible or quick to change, a traveling career with multiple contracts in different hospitals or clinics over the course of a year may not be for you. While a clinical foundation is required for most assignments, be confident in your own skills before attempting to find a travel contract, according to the news source. This will drastically limit feelings of uneasiness or stress, as you work to get into a groove with your new colleagues.
Consider these tips and do some research of your own before deciding if a traveling medical career is the best option for you.