Healthcare Staffing & Career Blog

Travel healthcare, staffing and career insights from Aureus Medical.

Healthy Eating on the Road

I recently returned from a whirlwind trip lasting a couple of days and I could not feel any worse. Ok, perhaps this is an exaggeration because if I think of the grand scheme of things I’m really doing pretty well. However, the struggle to eat healthy while on my trip was great and I will admit I succumbed to the temptations of high fat and sugar laden meals.

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Spring Fever

As many of you are heading towards your graduation, you are more than likely experiencing what I refer to as “senioritis”. You want nothing more than to be done with clinical hours, final exams, and projects, and nothing makes the end of this long journey seem to last even longer than the arrival of spring. Follow these few tips to keep you on track and help get you through these final days of school.

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