Healthcare Staffing & Career Blog

Travel healthcare, staffing and career insights from Aureus Medical.

2013 Resolution: Stick With Your Resolution

It’s coming up on a New Year and maybe a new resolution or two. So many of us each year set a resolution and forget about it after one week. Or, if you are good, maybe you forget about it after one month. One of the main reasons why people fail at their resolutions is because they set expectations too vague for themselves. Another reason is because the resolution may mean nothing to them personally because someone else gave them the idea.

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The “B” Word…Boards!

It’s that time of the year again! Holiday break is approaching and for some this means eggnog and excitement, while for others, it’s a time of rest and maybe a little apprehension. Don’t get me wrong, several students are taking this time to kick back, enjoy family time, and really catch up on some z’s. For several others though, December equals graduation.

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